Weddings & Christenings

We'd love to share those important occasions in life with you and your family. For any enquiries regarding weddings or christenings, please contact the Parish Priest.


  • Why should a person get baptised?
  • What is actually happening at a baptism?

Whether you are a parent bringing your child for baptism, or someone wanting to be baptised yourself, these are two questions we'd like you to know the answers to. A person should be baptised because it is the way we begin our journey through life as a child of God. Baptism gives us the possibility of worshipping God as a Christian, and so it is a huge blessing. Baptism makes us members of the Church, which is God's family. At baptism the candidate has water poured over their head. This symbolises the washing away of sin, and after baptism the person becomes a new creation with the possibility of everlasting life with God. We encourage children who have been baptised to eventually make their own personal decision to follow Jesus by being Confirmed.



St John's is a beautiful ancient church in which to marry, and so many generations of this town have done so. It is also a precious gift from God, and so it's natural that we should want to make those promises of love and commitment to one another in His presence and in His Church. The Bible has always characterised the relationship between Jesus and the Church as being a marriage. Like all human marriages, the marriage between Jesus and his Church is not always perfect, because we so frequently either ignore him or let him down. But the good news is that Jesus never gives up on us, and is always waiting for us to come back to him so that he can forgive us. We think Christian marriage should reflect Jesus' own faith and commitment, and in light of this we do not marry couples if a previous spouse is still living.

Jeff Riley

Fr Edward Morrison SSC

Parish Priest

+44 7864 960007